Dandegreat song titled Uwese is doing great

The song Uwese is a Nigerian Gospel song recorded by Dandegreat in the African pop genre. Gospel music have come a long way to stay in Africa and Dandegreat used the opportunity to learn the art of performing Gospel songs. Now Dandegreat has gone across over 50 million people and gotten up to 83 clicks to the song Uwese within a week after using  regular promotion service on mp3 sharing site Ho9jabillboard. Dandegreat is expected to reach 190 clicks to the Uwese by end of the month. The boosted downloads on the song which encouraged viewers were around 5,053. Dandegreat is expected to be known within a short period of time asan African pop singer in Gospel mp3 songs. To enjoy more on Dandegreat, download the song Uwese from the link and always remain blessed. 


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